How Would You Like To Work 1-1 With Me For 2 Full Months To Keep You Accountable, Give You An Over-Simplified Result Producing Plan To Follow And Help You Grow Your Business?
I am opening my coaching program to help a few ambitious people getting more out of their online business or personal brand.

Hey (Future) Boss,
If you don’t know me, my name is Giorgio and I’m from Amsterdam. I have a passion for helping people.
To be more specific, I enjoy sharing my knowledge and seeing others succeed regarding growing their (online) business or social awareness.
During my entrepreneurial journey I’ve gained a lot of expertise in the field of affiliate marketing, social media marketing, Facebook ads, sales funnels and website design.
Currently, I run several affiliate marketing niche websites/blogs, a social media marketing agency, webdesign agency, ecom stores and a legal firm.
Yes, it’s true. I’ve been doing it all and am sure I can transform your life by becoming your personal coach and helping you start or improve your (online) business.
This is NOT your typical sales letter. As I write this, my intention is not to persuade you with fancy sales copy or by telling you that I have the newest “push button” system to make cash on autopilot or become an influencer overnight. I will be very straight forward with you with how all this works and how my clients get results.
✅ Keep you accountable throughout the journey of implementing every strategy that I teach you.
✅ Answer any questions, doubts or concerns that you may have on a daily basis to make sure you don’t get stuck and waste your super valuable time.
✅ Help you avoid all the mistakes that I made throughout the journey that cost me well over $100,000. By avoiding these mistakes you will get results faster and you will investing your time on income producing activities.
✅ Get ahead of the curve in the paid advertisement space to quickly scale your online/offline business.
✅ Keep you focused and on track. I won’t let you get distracted. I won’t let you start thinking about doing something else. When you go all in with my coaching you are making a commitment to YOU but to ME as well. I will make sure you stay on your lane.
As you can see, I really want you to become the best version of yourself, live life on your own terms and succeed
I currently have 2 coaching programs to offer. Let me tell you about the first one.
During the years I’ve received a lot of questions of people that needed my help. I noticed that people asked the same questions. I recognized a pattern.
In other words, they kinda had the same problems…
Instead of replying the same messages over and over, I packaged all the valuable answers in a single 8 week program covering all these topics.

I’d like to introduce you to Program Accelerator
What can you expect?
✅ Week 1: The Mindset That Makes You Successful |
✅ Week 2: Sales | Inspiration vs Manipulation
✅ Week 3: How To Learn More Efficient And Perform Better
✅ Week 4: Lead Sourcing
✅ Week 5: Moonshot Thinking
✅ Week 6: How To Effectively Handle Meetings
✅ Week 7: How To Make Money With Your Name | Personal Branding
✅ Week 8: Personal Branding
This Mentorship Is specifically For aspiring or early-stage service based entrepreneurs who want to Build an online business or personal brand without brainstorming for hours about the exact blueprint
If you KNOW you are on the edge of change and are ready to take the leap, then buckle up! Because when you invest in yourself, you will receive…
- An in-depth 1:1 coaching plan for YOU to grow as a person and grow your business
- 8 x 60 minute 1:1 private coaching sessions over the course of 2 months through ZOOM video conferencing platform
- All of our sessions recorded for you to keep, so you have lifetime access to them, anytime and anywhere.
- Unlimited message and voice support so we can chat about any and all things relating to your journey, life, and business
- Unlimited feedback and audits on anything relating to your business, including (but not limited to): Social Media, Website, Copywriting, Product Launches, Research, Ideas… We are in this 100% together!
Your Investment
Normal price
$3000 USD
Beta Program (2 open spots left)
$1397 USD
Or Monthly Payment Plan of $800 USD for 2 months
Serious Inquiries Only. Your application will undergo a screening process and is subject to be declined. Thanks!
What about that other mentorship program?

Besides the above program I also offer a 100% personalized in-depth 1:1 coaching plan tailored to your exact life and business needs, for YOU to check-off on.
This program is more personalized and customizable.
It’s recommendend for those that have much more experience and are looking for new strategies and ideas to scale their business or personal brand to a higher level.
I’d like to introduce you to Program Magister
What Can You Expect?
In our discovery call we go over all the problems you’re facing right now. This way I have a clear understanding of how I can help you best and I’m able to put together a personalized plan. In this program we dig deeper in specific areas of an online business model or personal development.
A couple of areas I can help you with
SMMA: Help (local) businesses with their online marketing to scale their business
Affiliate Marketing: Promoting products and services to make a passive income
Personal Branding: If you’re building your personal brand in ANY way and want to monetize it
Mindset & Business Advice: Develop a powerful mindset that allows you to grow your business
Self Help & Personal Development: Business is important but it is not everything. Sometimes you need to solve personal problems first in order to reach a higher level in business.
Consulting: If you’re a coach or consultant and you’re looking to get more paying clients
Offline Business Owner: You’re looking to create an automated system to get more people to your offline business and buy more of your products/services.
You will receive
- An in-depth 1:1 personalized coaching plan for YOU to grow as a person and grow your business
- 8 x 60 minute 1:1 private coaching sessions over the course of 2 months through ZOOM video conferencing platform
- All of our sessions recorded for you to keep, so you have lifetime access to them, anytime and anywhere
- Unlimited message and voice support so we can chat about any and all things relating to your journey, life, and business
- Unlimited feedback and audits on anything relating to your business, including (but not limited to): Social Media, Website, Copywriting, Product Launches, Research, Ideas…
- Having me as your one on one coach and accountability partner every single day for 2 full months. We are in this 100% together!
Your Investment
Normal Price
$5000 USD
This month’s price (1 Spot Left)
$1997 USD
Or Monthly Payment Plan of $1100 USD for 2 months
Serious Inquiries Only. Your application will undergo a screening process and is subject to be declined. Thanks!

Imagine where your life could be 12 months from today. Often times we over estimate what we can achieve in a month, but under estimate how much can change in a year. If you want to finally create massive change in your life, I look forward to reading your application, Boss!